Log into https://mopro.mo.gov/license/s/ to register for your MOPRO Account beginning January 14, 2025.
To register, you need to have an email on record with your board. If you have not received an email from us about MOPRO, please contact your board ( https://pr.mo.gov/boards.asp) to update your records. Many boards have online services that allow you to quickly and easily change your contact information. Please feel free to change your email address using this feature if it is available for your board.
If you need help registering for your MOPRO account, the Division of Professional Registration has two ways for you to have assistance!!
Email moprotech@pr.mo.gov and include your license number and your issue! Someone will respond to your email!
Reach out to our call center. Please call 833-373-2936 for help!
MOPRO will give you access to your information 24/7 including, but not limited to:
- Applying for a license!
- Renewing your license, whether on time or late!
- Submitting payments online for your license, a duplicate license, or licensure verification!
- Changing your name, address, or other contact information!
- Changing corporate officers or owners of a licensed business!
Other MOPRO features that may be available, depending on your profession:
- Tracking supervision hours!
- Tracking continuing education hours!
If you have questions about your license, contact information, or other board - specific questions, please contact them for assistance! https://pr.mo.gov/boards.asp.
Veterans' Services and Benefits
If you are a current licensee, please fill out the short 1 minute survey below.
Notice - Score Transfer
The Board of Examiners for Hearing Instrument Specialists voted to approve the transfer of out-of-state ILE scores to Missouri. The applicant must request that the score be transferred directly to the Board from the International Hearing Society (IHS). The Application for Licensure is in the process of being updated. If you have any questions regarding this change, please contact the Boards office.Notice - Purchase Agreement Requirements
The Board continues to review complaints where the purchase agreements do not meet the standards of Section 346.020, RSMo. The Board statutes and rules specifically outline what is required for a licensee to be in compliance with the requirements pertaining to purchase agreements. If a purchase agreement is reviewed and violations are noted, the license of the hearing instrument specialist is subject to discipline. If a licensee is employed by a business or company, the licensee must still ensure that the purchase agreement meets the standards of Section 346.020, RSMo.
The Board suggests that not only should all hearing instrument specialists review Section 346.020 Purchase Agreement Contents but also that all licensees take the time to review 20 CSR 2165-3.030 Medical Clearance and Waivers and the FDA requirements, Section 801.421 Hearing aid devices; conditions for sale. Also, the Board recommends that the warranty dates be included on the purchase agreements. When the practice of fitting hearing instruments is performed, purchase agreements are required and the above statute and rules must be adhered to.